Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Future Bike Mechanic

We had one cool morning this week before the heat returned, and Zack and I spent it on the front drive, with him riding his bike up and down. When one of his training wheels was wobbly, I got a wrench to tighten it and Zack decided he needed to do some work on his bike.

He did the only thing he knew how to do, which was tighten (and thus also loosen) the nut on his training wheels. That gave him the brilliant idea that he would just take those training wheels right off. He did it, all himself, and pushed his bike up and down the sidewalk. I convinced him to get on and let me hold it up while he rode a little. After five minutes of that, he was ready to put the training wheels right back on!

We had a bit of angst when he couldn't remember how to get it back together, but it only took a few nudges from Mom and he managed it. (Thank goodness I thought to take note of what order the washer was in before he had it all apart.)

Meanwhile, I was on the phone hearing a report from a friend who had done her first triathlon over the weekend (Congrats, Raegan, you triathlete!). The bike work and the tri report... well they made me anxious to get back out on my bike too. Surely I can work some workouts into our schedules??

1 comment:

  1. It looks like it's time to teach him how to change a flat tire too! This kid could really come in handy! I love you Z!!!!
