Friday, June 03, 2011

I thought I was being soooo clever...

All the local grocery stores quit carrying the Ramen I like, isn't that terrible?? I'm a little bit of a Ramen junkie - I like to have it (dressed up a little!) for lunches. A little while back I found I couldn't get the Lime Chili Shrimp anymore so I started buying the Lime Shrimp. Now it's gone too and all they have is Chicken, bah.

So, I bought a whole case on Amazon! Isn't that a super idea?   I have this free two-day shipping deal right now through Amazon Mom (which is available free for anyone who is a parent/grandparent/caretaker - check it out!) so I thought, why not? And it's been great.  EXCEPT, I forgot how SPICY this kind is!  It's much much spicier than Lime Shrimp.  And lucky me, I have a whole case :)


  1. Hi,
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  2. I love using Amazon for particular food products. For awhile they carried a flavor of Luna Bar I couldn't find anywhere else, and I like the selection of K-cups for the Keurig coffee maker. Also, if you have a lot of loose change you need to cash in, you can redeem it for an Amazon gift card from a coin star machine.

  3. love this. you totally crack me up with the ramen. I will check out the Amazon shipping that sounds awesome!!

  4. Yeah, it turns out to be really convenient! Thanks for your comment, Samantha!
