Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Problem of Blogging

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time reading blogs. It started with Gretchen's, where I discovered that my friend of many years is a funny, clever writer and, with apologies to Mommy Town (the next blog I began to read, a friend who has a lovely voice-in-print), that she "has her hands full". My husband listend to my amused retelling of friends' antics many times before mourning outloud that the silly or brilliant or poignant moments with our own children are not being similarly recorded, but are slipping away in the press of life. Well. Now the pressure is on.

Meanwhile I read more blogs, and the blogs they link to, and the blogs of the commenters... Does everyone have a blog? One of my favorite friends started her own, and I can hear in her latest post the same trepidation I have about attempting to join the likes of the amazing bloggers out there.

The final straw was, ironically, an incredible, crisp, intensely creative one, SouleMama. I found her (surprise), through another blog, and found many more blogs through hers, plus books I now need to read (currently on request at the library) and projects I want to do. Of course I began with what I now gather is a familiar response of "How can she DO so much!?", which touched off a few days of moping and complaining that "I can't get anything DONE!" (maybe because I'm reading blogs all day, hmmm?). But as I dug deeper and read her response to this question (a "frequently asked" one, I now see), I understand that she doesn't do everything, but she does focus on what she really means to. And since I am ever reminded how quickly the days of having babies and young children pass, I'm going to try that too.

So, I expect a flurry of posts based on everything that has been brewing in my head, then nothing as the newness fades, and then... who knows. I am telling myself I'm just *trying* it.

Oh gosh. The title "Deanna's Blog" is so boring.

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